25 Vegan Fall Recipes For Comfort Food Cravings
Get ready for the season with these 25 delicious vegan fall recipes. From
soups and stews to dessert, there's something here to inspire!
The post 25 Vega...
September In My Kitchen
Well to be truthful, much of what I am sharing is from August, but there
will be some things that will take us into September.
But before i start sharing,...
Hjemmelaget eplemos
*Hjemmelaget eplemos og en liten rapport fra glad Jane :)*
Etter å ha flyttet til Porsgrunn har jeg plutselig blitt den lykkelige
innehaver av hele TO bu...
Brioche Bagels
I recently saw brioche bagels at the grocery store and, quite frankly, they
looked terrible. I was pretty sure I could make a vegan version that was so
Kan man bruke squash i en kake? Det er jo en grønnsak! Ja, men er ikke
gulrot også det? Dette blir omtrent som gulrotkake, men med squash i
stedet. Kjenner...
italian food
stupidly i never liked italian food. sure, i have always loved pizza (who
doesn't?) and enjoyed the frozen lasagne my mom left for my brother and i
to e...
har du flyttet din adresse?
21. november 2014
Double Up on Lemony Goodness
*Taps mic*
So nice to see you again! Admittedly, it's a bit rich to celebrate the
anniversary of a blog you hardly update, but 5 years is 5 years all the ...
Comb Danish ‒ Kampaviineri
[image: http://www.veganmofo.com/]*Random facts about Finnish coffee
culture #19:* A good rule of thumb is that for every pastry, there is one
portion r...
Spicy havregrød (havre Upma)
I princippet elsker jeg havregrød. Det er så hurtigt, nemt og billigt, og
vi skal ikke mange generationer tilbage, før grød var en væsentlig del af
vores k...
2013: My Ten Dishes of the Year
It may well be the second week of January 2014, but I'm not quite done with
2013 yet. Continuing my tradition of looking back at the most memorable
Raw "Pumpkin" Cream Cheese
I'm yet to perfect a grain free bagel recipe to the ideal chewiness to
softness ratio. But as warmer weather makes sunflower seed butter too heavy
for b...
Recipe: Meatballs with Egg Yolk
Recipe Source: Anonymous. A Treatise of Portugese Cuisine from the 15th
Century. F. Gomes, trans. This text is available online at
medievalcookery.com or h...
Free Pattern Friday: Duffle Bag
*Welcome to my monthly 'Free Pattern Friday' feature, where I road test a
free sewing pattern or tutorial: sometimes a children's one, sometimes an
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then
start writing!
The post Hello world! first appeared on Slot Gacor Maxwin: Daftar S...
Summer 2021 updates!
Readers, some updates -- it's been a while!
While I haven't been blogging lately, I have most definitely been sewing
and buying fabric -- more of the latt...
Filling this one up.
I took a walk in the woods today, and walks this time of the year -
although this winter is very much warmer than normally - always ma...
McCall 3698: The Shrewsbury Dress
This is one of my favourite stylings of a me-made garment ever.
This is my new handmade dress. I made it from a fabulous striped material
that was made ...
A few makes
Guess what ? I've been super busy with work and though I've managed to find
a little time to sew I have definitely not had enough to blog about my
makes. B...
Weldons 120313 - Betsy Trotwood
Late 1930s or early 1940s.
*David Copperfield *is the first of Dickens's books that I listened to
rather than read, and I found that 33 hours of the aud...
Växtbaserad kost bäst för klimatet.
Den bästa insatsen du kan göra för klimatet är att bli vegan, enligt den
hittills största studien som gjorts av lantbrukets klimatpåverkan.
I am still Charlie
With everything going on in the world right now, it is hard to believe that
anyone cares about a cartoon. But here we are again: back to the endless
FO: Chartreuse and Steam Trains
I'm one of those sewers who buys fabric first, and then figure out what to
do with it later - much to the test of my partner's patience!
Of all the colours...
Det var en rimelig "ud af kroppen oplevelse", at være porremand for en dag.
Bare for at sætte en smule støj og smil på Høstballet på Sdr Boulevard tog
jeg ...
Tronkberget revisited
Jeg har lidt rod jeg ka blogge med; morgenstill, en tur i skoven, en
fejlslagen bjergbestigning og et billede af min væg.
Der er altid meget tåge omkring ...
Looks very flavourful.