ANZAC Biscuits - vegan, sugarless
makes about 15
1 cup/90g rolled oats
1 cup/90g dessicated coconut
1 cup/150g plain flour
8 scoops 100% extract stevia powder OR
1-2 tbsp xylitol
1/2 cup/125ml agave syrup
1/2 cup/125ml neutral vegetable oil
1 t bi-carb soda
40ml/2 tbsp boiling water
Preheat oven to 160°C/320°F.
Line a large baking tray.
In a large bowl, Add flour, coconut, oats, stevia/xylitol.
Mix well.
In a large jug, Stir together oil & agave.
In a small jug, gently stir together bi-carb soda & water.
Stir together bi-carb soda & water and oil & agave.
Make a well in the centre of the flour, coconut, oats, stevia/xylitol.
Pour in oil, agave, bi-carb soda, water.
Mix gently until combined.
With well floured hands, Take 1 tbsp of mix and gently make a ball.
Place on lined baking tray, flatten with back of a spoon.
You may need to flour the spoon if mix is too sticky.
Repeat with remainder of mix.
Leave 5cm/2" between each as they spread out.
Bake about 10 mins, or until golden.
Watch closely as they burn easily.
They will be soft, but will harden when cool.

Thylacinus cynocephalus; Tasmanian Tiger
'The Mammals of Australia' (1863) John Gould