Cloudberries (D:multebær S:hjortron N:multe/molte) are very popular in the Nordic countries, not so much in Denmark however. Back in Australia I used to buy Swedish cloudberry jam at a Nordic store (NO, NOT IKEA). Cloudberries have a lovely tartness, and as such make a great alternative to marmalade. While citric acid is optional, it means that your jam will last longer, so I recommend using it.
Cloudberry Jam - without sugar
makes approx 200ml
250g cloudberries, fresh or frozen
1 tbsp agar flakes
50ml/2 1/2 tbsp xylitol
100ml water
1 t citric acid (optional)
1/2 tbsp rosewater essence (optional)
In a small pot,
lightly mash up berries.
Add water, xylitol, agar flakes.
Stir very well.
Heat very gently over med-low, stirring often,
15- 20 mins or until a runny jam consistency.
Turn off heat.
Add rosewater essence & citric acid.
Stir well.
Spoon into sterilised jar/s.
Refrigerate without lid/s until cool & set like jelly.
Put lid/s on.
Keep refrigerated.
Keeps for at least 6 weeks.
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